The present and future of mistype.investigator

On our Instagram feed

2022 has been really rough for both of us. Real life has taken every bit of free time we had, and we couldn't dedicate any of it to the creation of new MBTI and cognitive function informative posts.
We deeply apologize for this long hiatus. We've also been unable to reply to most of the people who contacted us in DMs. We hope you understand.

Luckily, we will be mostly free again in a few months from now. We are already planning new original content, and the cognitive functions comparison series will be restored as well. There's so much we still need (and want) to share with our community, that has grown so much in these two years we have been together.
If you have suggestions for our next informative posts, feel free to share those in the comments.

On our Cognitive Functions Test

Today marks exactly one year since the launch of mistype.investigator's Cognitive Functions Test. We worked really hard, day and night, to bring you a website able to suggest you the right direction to search for your cognitive true self, for free.

You've supported this project since the very beginning, and the outstanding numbers that the website reached really prove it. With more than 420000 tests taken and 680000 overall users, we can really say it has been a success.

We're planning a few quality of life updates for the weeks to come, so stay tuned.
We also want to thank the team of volunteer translators who helped with test localization. Thank you very much for the support.

On our Cognitive Functions Test quality

During this year, we received lots of messages regarding the accuracy of our test. Some of you told us that their results were in line with the types they expected, others told us that the test suggested really unexpected type combinations as most likely.

There are tons of reasons a test could suggest one type over the other. Tests are not foolproof, questions could be interpreted in their own ways and even current mood could be a relevant factor.
As we always suggested, our test results should be taken as a starting point for your type discovery, rather than an exact answer. Even if it has been designed in a way that reduces question and algorithm bias, following mathematical formulas that can be even evaluated by hand, it can still be improved. Any help is always appreciated.

On keeping our Cognitive Functions Test online

As you may know, keeping our Cognitive Functions Test online requires keeping an entire infrastructure up 24/24, 7/7. Databases, web servers, caches, VPSs. We financed this first year from our own pockets and we will be able to keep this infrastructure up for the next 15 months thanks to everyone who supported us on Patreon to this date.

If you want to help us keeping this website online for free for everyone, we need your help. Donating any amount of money through our Patreon will 100% fund our website to stay online forever.
You can find links to our Patreon page on our website, or you can use the following link.

On people trying to buy our Instagram page

No, we're not interested in selling our Instagram page. We embraced a mission and we want to pursue it with every bit of energy that we still have left. Sorry, I guess!

On the support we still need

If our mission is your mission too, please share this post to everyone who might be interested. It is really important for us and every bit of support could make the difference. This year has been rough, and our hiatus made lots of people think we abandoned this page, abandoning us in the process. If you're a long time follower, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.